Satisfaction and simplicity are rare in this life, and a perfectly fried egg offers both. The crisp, golden edges harmonize with the bright and runny yolk and sing when topped with just a pinch of salt. Delicious and economical atop a bowl of rice, bougie on avocado toast, or served on top Pad Kra Pao (a delicious Thai stir-fry) a fried egg won't let you down if it's done right.
Here's how:
1. Using just enough canola or grapeseed oil to cover the bottom of your wok, heat on medium-high heat until the oil glistens.
2. Add 1 large egg and shake the pan gently to help edges set.
3. cook for about 2 minutes, until the eggs start turning a crisp golden brown. Shake the your wok or pan occasionally during this proccess.
4. If your egg whites are still translucent, tilt the wok toward you to create a pool of excess oil and spoon the oil over the whites of the egg to cook them more. make sure to avoid the yolk, because you want it to be runny.
5. Remove fully cooked egg from the wok, season, and eat immediately. Enjoy!
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